The Future of Leadership: Why Spirituality Matters
As we move towards a future where our world is rapidly changing, with new technological advancements, economic uncertainty, nations’ animosity, and social and environmental challenges, we need leaders who can navigate this complexity with compassion, creativity, and resilience. Spirituality brings a profound framework that goes beyond traditional models of success and achievement. In this session, community members will engage in breathwork, self-reflection, and storytelling.
Piyush Gaur, MBA, is a Mindfulness and Wellbeing Coach from Toronto who was born and raised in a family of Yogis from India who have practiced and taught Yoga and Meditation for thousands of years. Piyush has spent his life searching for spiritual truth and has studied various spiritual paths, including Vedic culture, Buddhism, Christianity, Sikhism, and Sufism. He has absorbed the modern philosophy of Kant, Muller, Freud, Hesse, and Jung, the concept of dualism and non-dualism. Piyush Gaur has been teaching mindfulness practices for the last 15 years in the U.K., Europe, China, India, U.S., & Canada. Piyush’s coaching has significantly impacted many people’s lives, helping them to connect with their inner calm, find their life’s purpose, and develop mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and compassion. Piyush also has an MBA from Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, where he teaches “Mindfulness for Performance and Productivity”.