Join us for an evening of practice, discussion, and connection with Dr. Howard!

Music Mindfulness for Stress Reduction
Music mindfulness is the attentive and focused listening to music utilized for health and wellbeing. The intimate, mindful engagement with music permits the listener to relax and creates a safe space for emotional release. Mindful listening has been shown to help focus the mind, reduce stress, and regulate mood (Howard and Schimmack, 2017).
Music: Manhã de Carnaval
Alicia Howard, PhD, is a Registered Psychotherapist who incorporates mindfulness and music in her practice with chronic pain patients. Dr. Howard earned her PhD from UofT’s Faculty of Music with a focus on music and Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). Additionally, Dr. Howard has a Master’s in Music Therapy from Florida State University and a certificate in Foundations of Applied Mindfulness Meditation from the School of Continuing Studies-University of Toronto.
This session took place on Feb 28 2023.