Kate will lead a practice and then open the floor to any questions about leading mindfulness practices, leading inquiry, leading groups that are on your mind. Instead of addressing one topic, this will be an opportunity to bring whatever is on your mind. There is an enormous amount of wisdom, including practice wisdom in Mindfulness Toronto, so this will be a time of sharing it.
And all questions will be welcomed.
Kate Kitchen, MSW, RSW, is a clinical social worker who has been leading mindfulness groups, both MBCT and MBSR for fourteen years. She has also led professional trainings in mindfulness for over ten years, often with Bill Gayner and Kirstin Bindseil and now teaches Mindfulness-Based Group Practice through the Sunnybrook Psychiatry Institute for Continuing Education, with Dr. Steven Selchen and Kirstin Bindseil. She values very highly the opportunity to work with these colleagues, who she respects highly and and appreciates the opportunities to teach enthusiastic professionals to develop their own mindfulness practices and add mindfulness to their therapeutic toolboxes.
Kate has had a long career as a social worker, psychotherapist and professional educator. She worked at CAMH as a Social Worker and later an Advanced Practice Clinician and now works in the Frederick W. Thompson Centre for Anxiety at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. This is part-time, as Kate also has a private psychotherapy practice and is an artist and poet.
You can visit her website here.