Centre For Mindfulness Canada (CFMC)
Kasim Al-Mashat, R.Psych.
Finding Presence and Connection Through Laughter
Like awareness, laughter is an innate capacity that we can develop. It has been documented to have psychological and physiological benefits, including creating connection with others, reducing stress and supporting immune function.
This online session will provide you with a chance to experience laughter through Laughter Yoga exercises that nurture the mind, body, and heart. This is a fun interactive session that will get you moving and connecting to others while nurturing your inner joy. Watch this YouTube interview by Kasim with the founder of Laughter Yoga.

Dr. Kasim Al-Mashat is a Registered Psychologist, public speaker, a Certified MBSR Teacher/Trainer, and Certified Laughter Yoga Leader/Trainer. He is the founder of the Centre for Mindfulness Canada, in Vancouver. His Centre is recognized by Global Mindfulness Collaborate (GMC), which was formed in partnership with the Mindfulness Center at Brown University. Kasim has also completed a six-month silent meditation retreat in Myanmar, and presented a TEDx talk on mindfulness. For more info, you can visit www.drkasimalmashat.com or www.centreformindfulness.ca
Community meeting: Wednesday April 19th, 7pm – 8pm