Mindfulness has become an increasingly accepted and popular resource for teachers and students, in Ontario and around the world, to increase well-being and self regulation and to combat issues such as burn-out, anxiety and stress. This presentation will focus on the work and practice of international scholar, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and his community’s approach to bringing mindfulness into education.

Participants will get to experience several hands-on practices and also view visual materials from the presenter’s time travelling around the world with the Plum Village community to bring mindfulness into educational spaces. Using this as a foundation, the presentation will explore how participants might effectively bring mindfulness into their personal and professional daily lives.

Elli Weisbaum holds a masters degree from the Environmental Studies department at York University, focused on bringing mindfulness-based practices into classrooms. In 2014, Elli joined the faculty at the University of Toronto’s Applied Mindfulness Meditation certificate, AMM-MIND. She spent a year as the international program coordinator for Wake Up Schools, a global initiative to cultivate mindfulness in education, established by Nobel Peace Prize nominee, scholar and Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. She has organized retreats and facilitated workshops in Bhutan, India, Germany, Canada, the UK and the USA. In 2013 she was part of Thich Nhat Hanh’s North American teaching tour, offering retreats and workshops at centres across Canada and the United States, including workshops at The World Bank and Google headquarters.

Elli is a co-founder of Partners in Mindfulness, which offers mindfulness workshops and trainings in business, health and education based settings. For more information you can visit www.partnersinmindfulness.org For more information about Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village please visit: www.plumvillage.org