Mindful yoga, also known as mindful movement, is the third major formal meditation technique, along with the body scan and sitting meditation, that is included in the Mindful-Based Interventions – MBSR MBCT SMART and a variety of other variations on the original program created by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the 80s. For many participants and practitioners, mindful movement is an accessible doorway into living wisely, a valuable resource for conscious living. Not all mindfulness facilitators are trained in yoga, and this course will provide an opportunity to be able to provide authentic, safe guidance for Mindful Yoga & Movement practices as well as series of alternate yoga and movement flows and series that can be included in Mindfulness-Based Interventions. Heidi will provide an overview and experiential practice for the upcoming Mindful Yoga Teacher Certification 200+hour Training being offered by Mindfulness Everyday in Toronto.


Heidi Bornstein, Heidi Bornstein is a Hatha yoga and meditation teacher, who received intensive training at the International Meditation Institute while living in India. She is a certified instructor in Hatha Yoga, Yoga Science, and Yoga Ed for Elementary Schools, High Schools, and For Working with Those At-Risk. She trained as an MBSR teacher under the direction of Roy Hintsa, MBSR Toronto, and Dr. Diane Reibel, the Director of the Stress Reduction Program at Jefferson University’s Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine. Heidi trained in Mindfulness for Kids at Risk with Vinnie Ferraro, Street Yoga training for Kids at Risk as well as smartEducation™ (Stress Management and Resiliency Techniques) with Linda Wallace. Heidi is the co-creator (with Heather Elson) of the Yoda-Yoga Program for kids, a program specifically designed for use in the 20 minute DPA (Daily Physical Activity) in elementary schools. Heidi is the co-creator and teacher for The Mindful Edge® – Stress Reduction and Life Strategies for Teens program in high schools. Heidi is on staff of Yoga Community Toronto, and is on the steering committee for Mindfulness Toronto. She has been teaching yoga and meditation in Toronto since 2002 and continues to support yoga, meditation, and mindfulness programs for children, youth, teens, and adults.