Did you want to join as a member? We offer a variety of services to our members. Please click the button for more information. Click Here Are you interested in presenting at Mindfulness Toronto? Share your mindfulness knowledge with our community, make new connections, and build your network! Please fill in the sections below, if you are eligible, we will get in touch with you soon to set up your workshop with Mindfulness Toronto. Name Phone Email Address What is your background in Mindfulness? Please share relevant credentials, experience, and certificates Please provide a bio that we can share with the community (100 words max.) Please provide a title and description of the topic you would like to present (150 words max.) Please provide a description of the mindfulness practices you would like to lead as part of your presentation. What does mindfulness mean to you? List 2-3 learning objectives for your presentation. LinkedIn Profile Link 12 + 1 = Submit